MizB at Should Be Reading hosts Teaser Tuesdays. Here's how it works: Grab your current read; let the book fall open to a random page; and share 2 “teaser” sentences from that page, somewhere between lines 7 and 12. For more teasers, click on through to MizB's blog.
Today's Teaser comes from Mayor of Casterbridge by Thomas Hardy
From page 154:
Lucetta as a young girl would hardly have looked at a tradesman. But her ups and downs, capped by her indiscretions with Henchard, had made her uncritical as to station.
You're reading Thomas Hardy? Wow, I'm impressed. I never had the wherewithal to try him. :)
I like him. He is one of my favorites. I understand some authors can be daunting. George Eliot's MiddleMarch is hard.
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