Sunday, December 6, 2009

Hour 17 and 18

Total books read so far: 8
Total pages read 1499
Number of mins spent reading:1065mins
I had another graphic novel and a short juvenile chapter book. I did spend as much time reading much because I was cleaning up the bedroom to prepare for my husband's arrival and I have not seen him since July. So the kids and I are excited. I am now moving on to another Hardy Boys Graphic novel. If I do not fall asleep I will try another one the graphic novel after that. I am on 9 of 12 goal books. I did make it past 2am so that is accomplishment for me.


bethany (dreadlock girl) said...

AHHHHHH! You are so stinking fast! Great work.

gautami tripathy said...

Way to go! Way to go!!!

Shannansbooks said...

Thank you everyone. They were quick reads. I found that children's books help when mixed with YA books